30 November 2015
November 2015

The 2015 annual meeting of IAPA Deutschland AG was held in Budapest from 27 to 29 November. The meeting was hosted by our Hungarian associate member Fekete Law Office. They had attended the 2014 IAPA meeting in Munich when they kindly offered to host the 2015 event.

On a nice winter evening the meet-ing started with a guided walk through the most impressive city of Budapest with tremendous views. Subsequent to the walk all attendants had dinner in a typical Budapest restaurant.

Following a long-standing tradition of German only members, we were pleased to welcome to this meeting Dieter Ehart from WTE Wirtschaftstreuhand GmbH Vienna, Austria, Katrin Gerig and Tobias Stocker from Revitrag, Switzerland, Zsolt FeketeGabor Makoand Dalma Szani from Fekete Law Office, Hungary and, last but not least, by Martin Clapson as Chairman of IAPA Europe and now Global Vice-Chair.

After a short introduction by Gabor Mako, perfectly spoken in German, the meeting started with the technical session.

Martin Clapson gave an IAPA update and subsequently Revitrag introduced a new product, i.e. Comprehensive Services for elderly People. Tobias Stocker then presented a cross-border case study based on an actual tax project which was carried out earlier this year by Revitrag in combination with KBHT.

Michael Thelen from KBHT brought the attendants up to date regarding new developments in the German profession and also provided a brief summary of the International Conference recently held in Hong Kong.

Ullrich Bork from KBHT gave an update on BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) from a German point of view. 

Subsequently Dieter Ehart from WTE presented a summary of the Austrian tax reform applicable as of 1 January 2016. 

All attendants usually very much appreciate this part of the meeting because of the country specific information provided which improves the basis for networking between IAPA members.

After lunch the AGM of IAPA Deutschland AG was chaired by Ullrich Bork as the Chairman of IAPA Deutschland AG's supervisory board. The usual agenda was dispatched without any specific comments. 

Next year's meeting (2-3 December 2016) will be held in Neuss hosted by KBHT giving them the opportunity to present their new premises to which they will move on 1 January 2016.

After the meeting all attendants and guests were invited by Zsolt Feteke to his private vineyard at Plattensee where everyone enjoyed the wine tasting and a typical Hungarian buffet.

Saturday ended with dinner in a very nice restaurant located above the vineyard with a tremendous view on Plattensee. 

A big thank you to Zsolt Fekete and his colleagues for their great hospitality.

Ullrich Bork and Herbert Hilger

KBHT, Germany

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