27 June 2016
June 2016

The Benson hotel in Portland, Oregon provided the perfect location for IAPA’s 2016 USA Regional Conference which took place from 24 to 26 June.   The programme opened with dinner at the famous Waverley Country Club, one of the oldest golf clubs in the USA with a rich history dating back to 1896.

On Saturday morning Tom Rex, IAPA USA Regional Chair, officially opened the working programme welcoming delegates and thanking David Kessler’s firm, Thompson Kessler Wiest & Borquist PC, for hosting this excellent event.  Stephen Hamlet, IAPA CEO, then briefly outlined how IAPA has moved forward over the last 12 months to take the association to the next level, including the new opportunity to now join forces with the well-established US based association, Allinial Global.  This led into a detailed presentation by Global Chairman, Jan Huygens, of IAPA’s Strategic Review including recent developments and followed by a Q&A session.

The working programme concluded with a very informative R&D Tax Credit Update by Andy Lane from Tri-Merit LLP.  Focussing on 179D (energy efficient commercial building deduction) and WOTC (work opportunity tax credit) he outlined an invaluable update on this specialised area.

In the afternoon the 26 delegates representing 12 firms across the US, including 2 firms all the way from the UK, enjoyed a fabulous networking/sightseeing experience of some of the highlights Portland has to offer including a tour up the beautiful Columbia River gorge.  The day was rounded off at Jake’s famous crawfish restaurant serving only the freshest fish, seafood and prime steaks.

Sunday’s programme started with a presentation by Stephen Hamlet of IAPA’s new marketing pack and how firms can use the portfolio of tools to promote the IAPA brand within their firm.  This was followed by lively roundtable discussions during which delegates shared ideas on unique marketing initiatives, discussed marketing strategies and the use of social media as a promotional tool.  Group discussions then continued by sharing experience on how individual firms can proactively generate new business, at a local level and internationally, and how being a member of IAPA can support this.

WithumSmith+Brown’s Dave Springsteen then outlined the Top US tax developments in the past 12 months & Tax Risk Management and the day concluded with the US Annual General Meeting and finally an introduction to the 2016 International Conference this year to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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