23 November 2023
November 2023

Carla Impalà from Morri Rossetti talks about the 45th Global Privacy Assembly

"The assembly brought together Data Protection Authorities from around the world to discuss trends relating to new technologies."

"A number of conclusive resolutions were adopted regarding key aspects relevant to the protection of personal data.

One of the most notable resolutions comes from the Italian Data Protection Authority, in collaboration with the German and English authorities, concerning the use of AI in the employment context (the “Resolution”).

The core of the Resolution aims to ensure that the use of AI systems in the employment context - both during the employment relationship and in the pre-employment phase - is based on a human-centric approach, emphasizing the potential impact of such technologies on the personal and professional lives of workers and outlining specific guidelines."

Carlo Impala then goes on to talk about the main aspects and objectives highlighted in the resolution, while confirming the key conclusions.

To read Carlo's article in full: CLICK HERE

Resolution on AI & Employment in full: CLICK HERE

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