19 June 2019
June 2019

The Institute of certified public accountants of Israel headed by the president, CPA Iris Stark, hosted a large economic conference that was held at the Dead Sea over five days. 

At the Conference was Member of Knesset (Israeli parliament) Ofer Shelah - the Minister of Tourism- Member of Knesset (Israeli parliament) Yariv Levin, the Minister of Justice Member of Knesset (Israeli parliament) Ayelet Shaked And various Auditors including CPA Iris Stark that lectured and manage sessions on various economic issues.

The Institute of certified public accountants of Israel headed by the president, CPA Iris Stark, organized a big economic conference that was held at Eilat in June.At the Conference the following attended:  Israel Tax Authority Director, Head of Israel Money Laundering and Terror Financing Prohibition Authority, senior executives and members of Knesset.

1,500 CPA members of the Institute of certified public accountants of Israel attended.

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