The team at PGE & Co. report on The Cyprus Government presenting its proposals for Upcoming Tax Repform.
PGE & Co have reported that The Cyprus government has presented its proposals for the upcoming tax reform.
"Overall, the proposals seem to be in the right direction and are expected to further strengthen the competitiveness and attractiveness of the Cyprus tax system, while at the same time ensuring a fairer distribution of the tax burden and redistribution of wealth."
PGE &Co. explains that "In February 2025, the Economics Research Centre of the University of Cyprus unveiled a comprehensive tax reform proposal aimed at modernizing the nation's fiscal framework, promoting economic growth, and ensuring alignment with international tax standards.
These proposals are currently under public consultation and, following approval by the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives, are anticipated to be enacted by 2026."
Key Proposed Changes Include:
Special Defence Contribution
To catch up with the full Article including areas outlined for Notable Changes and Next Steps - CLICK HERE.
cREDIT : pge & cO.
cONNECT ON liNKEDiN: pge & cO.