05 May 2020
May 2020

I hope you are all well. These are very difficult times for us all and I wish you, your families, friends and business colleagues good health, safety and the best of wishes.

I am very honoured and humbled to be IAPA’s CEO again. I was CEO from December 2016 to May 2018 and I look back to that time with great satisfaction. IAPA gained great new members and hosted fantastic conferences in both Dubai (EMEA 2017) and Barcelona (Global 2017). We strengthened our friendships and built on new and existing relationships. Since May 2018 I have been Global Chairman and now as CEO my role and that of the International Board is to ensure IAPA returns to be a membership led association with quality members.

The Coronavirus (CoVid-19) is effecting and challenging us all. At this time it is difficult for IAPA to provide technical or government help, as that comes from a national level.

However, we do want to help and support our members financially. We have reserves and we should use these reserves to help our members and the time to do that is now. To this effect the International Board have agreed to extend the 19/20 membership year for all our members by three months, free of charge. We are therefore pleased to advise you that as an investment in you, at this time, we are extending all current membership periods by three months, giving you 15 months of full membership at no additional cost. Therefore rather than this year’s membership ending on 31 March, it will instead end on 30 June 2020. Three months of free membership, at no additional cost to you. Our new membership year will now commence on 1 July 2020.

This is our investment in our relationship with you, our members and our friends. We look forward to continuing our valuable relationship with you and providing the support and help you need both at this time and in the future.

With best wishes and safe passage through this difficult time.

Martin W H Clapson



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