21 March 2017
March 2017

Brexit Forum - Information & Insights 12 May 2017

The UK Government has said that it will trigger Article 50 during March 2017. The Prime Minister famously said ‘Brexit means Brexit’ and it is fast moving from rhetoric to reality. But what does this mean for chartered accountants and law firms in the UK and further afield?

The UK200Group, in association with IAPA, is staging its second Brexit Forum on the 12 May 2017 in London. The purpose is to help prepare UK200Group and IAPA members for a World where the UK is no longer in the EU. This raises questions about a range of issues including, for example, trade, taxation and immigration.  All of which will affect our members and their clients in some way.  We are therefore taking a lead to make sure our members are as informed as possible, as early as possible.

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