The International Accounting Bulletin has featured the IAPA revamp of our website, and the creation of our new corporate video as part of the new IAPA TV channel on YouTube.
Read the article HERE
The IAPA new image is being received very well amongst our member firms and contemporaries. We are grateful to receive such fantastic feedback, a selection of which is included below:
“Huge congrats to you and your team. Well done! The website is absolutely fabulous. I still have to explore and adapt, but sure this is a giant leap forward for IAPA.”
"This is to congratulate you and the team for this amazing work. The new website looks great, simple, easy to navigate. The videos are a (even “the”) new way of communication that we can share with our clients. I can only encourage you to provide more ones !"
"I have just checked out the new website. Congratulations! It really looks amazing and so modern! You killed it with the video, it’s really fantastic!"
"Congratulations for the new web site!!!!! It’s fantastic."