27 September 2017
September 2017

'How to Accelerate Your Performance as a Leader' was the topic for the second IAPA webinar presented by Mindshop Managing Director, James Mason, who shared key top tips for leadership success.  Attended by 23 members from 16 countries this webinar focused on very practical strategies you, as a leader, can immediately implement to build capability and get more from you and your team to increase your firm's profit and growth.

Using insights from a recent survey of hundreds of different business leaders the webinar began by analysing the top 10 ‘must have’ capabilities identified for successful leaders.  The important focus for leaders should be on the gaps in these 10 characteristics and what can be done to drive change in those areas.  James Mason then introduced attendees to Objectives and Key Results, or OKR’s, the next evolution of performance management which can be used to drive greater alignment across businesses.  A very useful concept to adopt as a leader to achieve high performance within your firm.  The presentation then moved on to strategies to effectively coach and develop your team using a coaching matrix.

Importantly, however, you need to have the time to move a business forward strategically, action change and manage your team more effectively.   Watch the webinar recording to find out more about how to free up your time and also to learn about tools to enable a leader to boost their energy levels through greater life balance ensuring you have the energy for success and the ability to lead by example.

Fantastic informative webinar with an emphasis on how we can apply the strategies in practice. Very clear presentation style and not too theoretical’.  Bernd Steinhilber, Liebhart & Kollegen, Germany

If you were not able to attend this webinar then you will be pleased to know that a recording and a copy of the slides are both now available on the IAPA Portal in Resources and Useful Links along with those from the previous webinar.

Webinar 3 – How to Hit Your Marketing Sweet Spot with Clients (15 November 2017)        

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