24 September 2016
September 2016

Above: official group photo of the 2016 BHD annual conference

The PKBW Group hosted this year’s BHD Canadian Group Annual Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba.    As is tradition the Conference Programme commenced with a welcome Cocktail Party on the Thursday evening, at the Inn at the Forks Hotel, giving delegates an opportunity to network and catch up with each other; familiar faces and new. 

The official Conference began on the Friday morning with a presentation from Stephen Hamlet who gave an overview of IAPA, the new branding concept and an update on recent talks regarding the collaboration with Allinial Global.  Jan Huygens followed this by focusing on the IAPA 2016 Strategy Review.  The meeting offered BHD members the opportunity to understand first-hand the progress so far, what this might mean for the Canadian group and to ask any questions.

Above:  Presentations and discussions            Above:  Networing continues with dinner and a band

The morning continued with key topics including ‘IT Utilization and Billing Distribution’ followed by ‘Marketing your Firm’ in the afternoon.  The historic Fort Garry Hotel in Downtown Winnipeg was the location for the sumptuous dinner and evening entertainment.

Saturday began with the BHD AGM, where John Campbell was re-elected as the IAPA BHD representative.  This was followed by a fascinating sightseeing day including the ‘Journey to Churchill’ award winning exhibit at the Assiniboine Zoo and a guided tour of the Human Rights Museum.  A cocktail reception and dinner officially closed the Conference.

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